Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Le Beaujolais Nouveau

At one past midnight on the third Thursday of each November, from little villages and towns across France, over a million cases of Beaujolais Nouveau begin a journey across the sleeping countryside to Paris, for immediate shipment all over the world...

Including 75 Chestnut!

Osmar and Edgar were excited for Le Beaujolais Nouveau!

Osmar and Markus even dressed up for the occasion!

The rest of the staff was excited too, even Claudio!

Pot au Feu was a special that evening.

Coq au Vin was also featured.

The guests were quite pleased with the event.

The spirit of the season really brought everyone together.

75 Chestnut could barely contain the festivities!

Even owner Thomas Kershaw was in attendance, with his wife, Janet and some close friends. This was not a night to miss!

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